Principles and Practice
Our Mission:
CHRISTIAN WITNESS TO ISRAEL (N. AMERICA) exists to advance the Christian faith by acting as an interdenominational evangelistic agency proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah to the Jewish people and challenging and assisting the Church to fulfill this task with particular focus on the USA and neighboring countries.
We believe in the plenary verbal inspiration of the Hebrew and Greek Holy Scriptures of Old and New Testaments as our rule of faith, life and ministry practice.
We believe in reformed doctrine taught by the Protestant churches, and delineated in the historic confessions of the Reformation:
- The Belgic Confession (1561)
- The Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England (1562)
- The Heidelberg Catechism (1562)
- The Westminster Confession of Faith (1647)
Our credal position is the consensus of these reformed confessions.
All Staff and Board members must subscribe to one of these confessions.
We believe in a reformed ecclesiology and missiology and as such, understand mission as primarily the work of the church, not out-sourced to an independent and non-accountable ministry.
We believe that an inter-denominational para-church ministry to Jewish people may serve as an important corporate focal point and an outlet for evangelistic activity, while remaining organically connected to local churches.
We believe a particular providential opportunity and obligation is before us in the USA where reside 42% of the world’s ethnic Israel.
We believe a particular challenge presents itself in widespread theological confusion concerning ethnic Israel and its status before God demanding a ministry of instruction and clarification.
We believe a love for Israel, rightly harnessed unto prayerful, supportive, and intentional gospel labor, may result in the fulfilment of God’s promises to ethnic Israel referred to by Paul in Romans 11, often termed, ‘the puritan hope’. For this we labor and long.
Jewish people need to hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus, the Messiah of Israel, the only Mediator between God and man.
Ethnic Jewish people have been divinely preserved for a purpose.
That since the Jewish people are presently an ‘unreached people group’ we consider this a matter of urgency in missions.
The Gentile Church owes a debt of gratitude to ethnic Israel.
The Gentile Church has largely missed the resultant blessing promised from the fruit of Jewish mission.
A reformed eschatology, while permitting breadth within the parameters of the historic reformed confessions, has always had a distinct biblical burden for Jewish mission, and led to the forming of this ministry in 1842.
The Church has existed as ‘believing remnant’ Israel in Biblical times and the Church continues today as those who by faith in Israel’s Messiah are children of Abraham from Jew or Gentile ethnicity.
Jewish people have been and continue to be, peculiarly loved by God. All Christians should similarly love them, ‘on account of the patriarchs’ (Romans 11:28).
That we will intentionally assist and mobilize churches, leading by example in sensitive Jewish mission, desiring the promised outpouring upon the ancient people (Romans 11:23).
That while Jewish believers may congregate together as is often found in other ethnic communities, we would caution against such, in the light of possible theological aberrations and we desire instead that Jewish believers gather with the Gentile church, becoming the promised biblical blessing to Gentile believers (Romans 11:12, 15).
Intentional engagement of Jewish people in street evangelism.
A diligent program of church awakening, instructing, resourcing and equipping for friendship evangelism, as well as open air street and park outreach.
Accountable and regular reporting of all our operations to all our supporters that those even at a distance from Jewish areas, consider our labors, their labors, as we function effectively as their extended arm of Jewish mission.
An online and in-print media output that displays theological substance and mission transparency for infectious encouragement and prayerful interest.
That the Lord would fulfil his promised purposes for the Jewish people in our day.
That Jewish mission would become an intentional, prayerful and practical reality in the life of every Church and every Christian.
The greatest resource for evangelizing the 6 million Jewish people in the USA is the tens of millions of evangelical Christians who live beside them.