Voices From the Past
“Voices From the Past” is a series of reprints from various historical theologians that line up with the vision and mission of Christian Witness to Israel. These giants of Reformed theology share wise exegesis of scripture regarding the Jewish people, and we benefit from their works still today.
These pamphlets are free to download by clicking the buttons below.
Robert Murray M’Cheyne - “Our Duty to Israel”
“We must not only be evangelistic, but evangelistic as God would have us to be, not only dispense the light on every hand but also dispense it first to the Jewish people.”
C.H Spurgeon - "The Restoration and Conversion of the Jews”
“They are to be restored, and they are to be converted too. We take this for our joy and our comfort, that this thing shall be, and that both in the spiritual and in the temporal throne the King Messiah shall sit and reign among His people gloriously.”
Wilhelmus A Brakel - “The Future Redemption of the Jewish People”
“Pray for their salvation. How they have prayed for the salvation of the Gentiles! How they rejoiced in the prophecies that one day the Gentiles would be redeemed! Therefore, you ought to do likewise for their redemption, for you can pray this in faith, since they will certainly be saved.”
Horatius Bonar - “The Jew”
“I believe in Israel’s restoration to their land and their conversion to their Messiah. I accept as a future certainty that the Jewish people will be gathered to their ancient homeland and that ultimately ‘all Israel shall be saved’ (Rom 11:26).“
Additional Resources
Our parent body in the UK began in November 1842. Here is the first Report from April 1843.
History of CWI North America
This document provides a summary of the history of the North American branch of CWI. The providence of God is on full display in this story of how this ministry came about.
Spurgeon Approved
C. H. Spurgeon—often regarded as the “prince of preachers”—had a vested interest in the ministry of CWI. See more information about his beliefs regarding our obligation to the Jewish people in this short document.
”No Thanks, I’m Jewish” Tract
Mitch Tepper, our frontline missionary, gives his testimony in a useful tract for evangelistic distribution. As a young man, when Christian missionaries would approach him his first line was.. ‘No Thanks I’m Jewish’ But that changed… let him tell you why.
Passover Haggadah
A presentation of the theological significance of the Passover Seder.
An “Incomplete and Inadequate” Book List for Jewish Evangelism
Stephen Atkinson’s book list, containing many works from various traditions that are relevant to the work of Jewish missions.
Historic Herald!
Fascinating insights from our historic archives:
pre-war, during war, post-war.
November 1942 (100th Anniversary Edition)